Private Detective. Russia. Moscow
Short information about myself:
Private Detective Oleg Viktorovitch PYTOV, License No. 5116 issued on July 21, 1997 by the Internal Affairs Department of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.
Ten years of operative investigation work in the operative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.
Fourteen years of successful work on the market of detective services.
Extensive experience in search of debtors, swindlers, unfair business partners, of collection of information in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.
Dozens of successfully investigated cases, extensive informational base, cooperation within the framework of the existing law with the law enforcement, taxation and judicial agencies are the best recommendations.
Working, due to a number of circumstances, almost 24 hours per day, I am always within the reach, and I am ready to help you equally in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus.
Contacts with partners both in the USA and Canada make it possible to significantly extend the geography of works, especially in regard of complex cases (for example, in the cases of divorce proceedings between the citizens of the RF and citizens of other states, as well as in search of relatives abroad).
Services are rendered to individuals and legal entities.
Below is presented the list of arrangements accomplished in favor of Customers, the list is far from complete:
- Search of fugitives and missing persons
- Search of debtors, swindlers
- Check up of personnel
- Check up of business partners
- Family problems
- Drug addiction problems
- Check up of premises for installed eavesdropping devices
- Check up of motor vehicles for installed eavesdropping devices
- Confidential information
- Assistance to attorneys and barristers
- Participation in civil legal proceedings
- Addresses, telephones
- Monitoring of a person of interest
- Other services individually Information on Russia and the CIS countries
- Criminalistical examinations
* Confidentiality is guaranteed!
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Москва, ул. Герасима Курина, 14, корп.2